Follow inspiring causes
February 17 2017

Reimagine your school fundraising mix

Rather than just raising funds through traditional methods such as cake stalls, school fetes, and chocolate fundraisers, many schools are now changing their decades-old fundraising plan by adding online fundraising to their strategy.


Online school fundraising can cover:

  • School fundraising events
  • School appeals and campaigns,
  • Student/family fundraising.

Once the school has signed up with mycause, students can create an online fundraising page. Parents can then share their child’s fundraising campaign far and wide to family and friends, asking them to support the fundraising efforts via email and on social media.


An event micro site is created exclusively for the school to use, giving a tailored and secure approach to online fundraising for the students. Every student’s fundraising campaign is fully customisable, with your school branding such as the logo and official colours able to be included in each student’s campaign.


mycause can serve as the school’s fundraising hub, handling event registration, donations and merchandise in one online location. The fundraising portal also gives school fundraising managers the invaluable ability to generate their own fundraising reports, giving priceless insight into which aspects of the event were more successful.


Online school fundraising is a great way to spend less time and money on fundraising administration, as there is no need to print and distribute multiple flyers or event updates. Each event participants can be sent the latest event information or an event reminder through your custom email function. These custom emails give school fundraising managers the ability to send the relevant information emails specifically to teachers or parents.


Using online school fundraising means that schools can concentrate on organising a fun sponsorship event for students and their families, without having to worry about physically collecting funds. All donors will be immediately receipted to their nominated bank account, with the funds raised sent directly to the school.


Add online school crowdfunding to your school’s yearly fundraising mix with mycause.