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October 14 2015

mycause Nominated in 2015 Telstra Victorian Business Awards

The 2015 Telstra Victorian Business Awards highlighted some of the most innovative and creative online businesses, with a finalist in the Small Business Award category. 

Recognised for their forward thinking and dynamic approach to crowdfunding and online fundraising, CEO Tania Burstin said it was an honour to be selected as a finalist from a host of successful small businesses. 

"When I started in 2007 nobody had even heard of crowdfunding," Ms Burstin says.

"Eight years later we are now recognised as Australia's number one platform for personal and charity causes, raising more than 30 million dollars to date."

But success doesn't come without sacrifices. 

"We are open 24/7," Ms Burstin says. 

"In an ever changing space where customer service coupled with the latest technology are key, we don't have time to rest on our laurels.

“It’s extremely rewarding however, especially knowing we’ve helped raise money for some fabulous cases.”

To read the full article on the Telsta Business Awards, click here.