Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer

$0 raised

TARGET $20,000

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Hi My Name is Tara Punch I am a 39 year old mother to 2 beautiful children's a boy and girl. In the Early Year of January 4th 2021 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer that's matastisis to my liver. I worked full time as a health worker before my diagnosis, and always took care of my patients to the point of forgetting about my own health. I had 2 Major surgeries March 2022 Hoping I would be cancer free only for it to return within 2 months more aggressive in my liver, I am on Palliative Chemotherapy As There is nothing more my dr can do for me. Chemo will not cure me but will prolong my life with my children's. I have joined this page as I'm doing a bucketlist of things I've always wanted to do with my children's and make precious memories, my son is 20 years old and my daughter is 19. I can't stand the thought of leaving them behind but that day with eventually come. their Both are finding it hard to deal with what we're going through, so while I have some life in me and strength I would like to do more with them before its to late.

Fundraising For

Tara Punch

Funds Banked To

Tara Punch

Campaign Creator

Tara Punch

Vincent, QLD

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Jul 2022



$0 raised

TARGET $20,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Tara Punch

Funds Banked To

Tara Punch

Campaign Creator

Tara Punch

Vincent, QLD

SINCE Jul 2022

