The last leg of The Em Effect 4x4x48 Challenge will be run by the team on Sunday 20th September at 11:00am (AEST).
To help increase lymphoma awareness and show your support, we would love you to get outside and walk, run, ride, skate or scoot the last 6.45km of the Challenge with the team.
With Covid-19 restrictions in place, we unfortunately won't be able to do this as a large group. That should not stop you getting outside at 11:00am on Sunday 20th September to walk or run 6.4kms in the name of a great cause.
To help generate more awareness in doing this, what we would love to see is a 'selfie' or a small video of you out walking or running at this time uploaded to The Em Effect Facebook and Instagram pages (, wearing The Em Effect jumpers or a little something lime for lymphoma. Lime is the colour of the cancer rainbow for lymphoma.
You can download a special The Em Effect 4x4x48 Challenge for Lymphoma sign at to print and have in your photo so everyone knows what we are doing it for.
Remember to upload your photos or videos with the hashtags #TheEmEffect4x4x48 and #Lymphomaawareness.
The more people we get doing this, the more we can all help Emily and The Em Effect make a difference!
Get your running shoes on, get outside, and get moving for a worthy cause.
The challenge involves running FOUR miles (that’s 6.4km’s!) every FOUR hours, for 48 hours. The end result being that we run 48 miles (or 77.2km’s) in 48 hours
Every year, more than 15,000 Australians will be newly diagnosed with blood cancer such as leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. This is equivalent to 41 people every day or one person every 36 minutes.
Blood cancer is one of the highest causes of cancer death in Australia, claiming more lives than breast cancer and melanoma combined. Up to 7,500 people in Australia are expected to lose their life to blood cancer or related blood disorders in 2020. This is equivalent to up to 20 people per day in Australia.
Together we can help try and make a difference.
The challenge was inspired by retired Navy Seal and ultra-endurance athlete David Goggins, who advocates the 40% rule, which is - when your mind is telling you that you're done, that you're exhausted, that you cannot possibly go any further, you're only actually 40% done.
This challenge will be as much a mental challenge as it will a physical one, not unlike the challenge faced by Emily and the over 6,400 Australian’s diagnosed with lymphoma each year.
The Em Effect was founded in honour of Emily Smith who very sadly passed away last year following a hard-fought battle with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Find out more at or follow us on social media
All donations and proceeds raised will go directly to Lymphoma Australia. The money will help them to continue to fund Lymphoma Care Support Nurses in Australia, help patients understand their treatment path and provide critical support to Lymphoma patients and their families.
We have set an ambitious goal of together raising $10,000 for Lymphoma Australia.
You can make a donation by visiting the link below. Every little bit counts, and every little bit will be greatly appreciated.