For The Love Of Dogs

$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



Trio Animal Foundation is a non for profit organisation based in Chicago that help severely abused and neglected dogs. Currently there are two dogs who I have fallen in love with and both have such severe cases they need all the support they can get! Trio animal foundation fights for these dogs so they get a second chance at life! Even through all the horror these dogs have endured at the hands of HUMAN BEINGS they are still full of endless love. I one day hope and dream that I can travel to Chicago and help in any way I can to give these dogs a fighting chance. I am asking and begging anyone who cares enough or wants to listen to please please donate whatever you can!! Either for the medical treatment of Augustus and Halo or every other injured, sick, abused pup. I am asking from the bottom of my heart for everyone to please give so we can be the shining light these poor defenseless animals have never had the pleasure of having. If you would like to know the stories of Augustus and Halo click the links below. It is beyond gut wrenching to see but maybe just maybe opening your eyes to this will make you want to help also!



If you don't make a donation that's fine but I urge you to pray and keep Augustus, Halo and every other beautiful pup that is currently suffering at the hands of what can only be described as EVIL HUMAN BEINGS in your hearts and thoughts! I believe in people and I believe there is good in this world, let's show how big our hearts can be and let's all as one give these dogs a fighting chance to be loved again ????

My name is Emily-Mae Sunnasy, it begins with 1. It begins with me. It ends with you.

Fundraising For

Emily-Mae Sunnasy

Funds donated to me will be sent by me to Trio Animal Foundation in Chicago. A non for profit organisation that help injured, sick, a used and neglected dogs find health and love again

Funds Banked To

Emily-Mae Sunnasy


Campaign Creator

Emily-Mae Sunnasy

Henley Beach South, SA

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Aug 2016



$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Emily-Mae Sunnasy

Funds donated to me will be sent by me to Trio Animal Foundation in Chicago. A non for profit organisation that help injured, sick, a used and neglected dogs find health and love again

Funds Banked To

Emily-Mae Sunnasy


Campaign Creator

Emily-Mae Sunnasy

Henley Beach South, SA

SINCE Aug 2016

