Raising $7000 for Dad's unexpected Debt

$0 raised

TARGET $7,000

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Today has been one of those days that sucker punch you when you're down. My dad just found out he's tangled up in a $7000 debt with centerlink, all because of this crazy mess between him and my step mum. You know, they're not exactly on great terms.

Our family's already hanging by a thread. We're barely keeping up with the rent, and everything seems to be getting more expensive while the coins in our pockets are shrinking. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion, and I'm stuck in the passenger seat.

So, if you've got a bit extra, if life's been kinder to you lately, we could really use a hand. I know everyone's got their struggles, but trust me, even a tiny bit can help lift some of this weight off our shoulders.

We're not looking for a miracle or anything, just a glimmer of hope. If you can spare a moment to read our story and maybe even pitch in, you'd be like a lifeline thrown to us in the middle of a stormy sea.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Life's tough right now, and we're just a family trying to keep our heads above water. If you can relate, if you've ever felt that knot in your stomach when the bills pile up, maybe you could understand what we're going through.

I'm really hoping someone out there will hear us out, maybe lend a hand. It's not easy asking for help, but I've got my fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe, you'll give us a shot.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll be keeping my hopes up.

Appreciate it.

Fundraising For

Pierre Nasser

Funds Banked To

Pierre Nasser

Campaign Creator


Mill Park, VIC

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Aug 2023



$0 raised

TARGET $7,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Pierre Nasser

Funds Banked To

Pierre Nasser

Campaign Creator


Mill Park, VIC

SINCE Aug 2023

