5 years old Peter Elijah has a rare condition in one side of his eye, which is believed to be a Retinoblastoma (cancer of the eye).
As seen in the picture, the growth has deteriorated and his eye is completely popped out. This little boy desperately needs operation and treatment as the condition is getting worse day by day.
Young Peter needs to be referred to Port Moresby General Hospital for further investigations including CT scan/MRI and for Chemotherapy and surgery, after consulting Pediatric team at Modilon Hospital.
The only reason most parents in rural Papua New Guinea have that makes referrals difficult and such children do not receive the much needed care and treatment is poor financial support.
Therefore, we do this fund raiser to raise enough funds to cover for expenses including medical treatments, travelling, food and lodging of little Peter and his family in Port Moresby.
You can make direct Bank deposit or transfer to Peter's Grandfather's bank account here:
Bank Name: Bank of South Pacific (BSP) Account Name: Daniel Maire Account Number: 1000737425 Bank: BSP, Madang branch Swift code: BOSPPGPM960 Ph: 675 422 2477.
My name is Paul Mondo. I am a fulltime volunteer missionary. I start this fundraiser to support young Peter Elijah and his parents to assist him getting needed medical treatments possible to give Elijah a second chance of life and living. I will make sure every dollar you donate is accounted and reported on this webpage https://papuaniugini.org/help-young-peter-to-get-needed-medical-treatment/ and the fund is transferred Peter's grandfather's account at the end of each month. You can find me on: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulmondo/ https://www.facebook.com/mondo.paul/
Thank you for your heartily support toward Peter and his parents.