My big day dream wedding

$0 raised

TARGET $20,000

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Hi, my name is shaidde(Shady) and i am a father of 5. Me and my partner have been together for 14-15years. Im 32 now, i want to marry the lady of my life and would love our big day to go through, we have been through alot of tough times and i just want to show her she has my heart with a beautiful wedding. To all who help me fundraise, i thank you so deeply from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much and may your good deed not go unseen. Blessings

Fundraising For

Shady Mckenzie

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Shady Mckenzie

New Zealand

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Oct 2021



$0 raised

TARGET $20,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Shady Mckenzie

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Shady Mckenzie

New Zealand

SINCE Oct 2021

