Help me represent Australia in a International Cheerleading Competition in America

$0 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause



Hi, I'm Yasmin. I am 14 years old from Sydney.
I am a cheerleader at Gymstars Cheerleading in the Senior level 3 and Senior level 4 teams. In February 2017, my team will be travelling to Palm Springs in California, to compete in one of the biggest cheerleading competitions in the world, 'Duel in the Desert' . Any money raised will help me and my team achieve our goal of competing overseas. Anything donated will be greatly appreciated, regardless of the amount. Unfortunately if I don't raise enough money I won't be able to attend this amazing opportunity! Please help make my dreams come true :)
Thank you so much!

Fundraising For

Yasmin Leopold

Help make my dreams come true of competing in one of the biggest competitions in the world in California!

Funds Banked To

Yasmin Leopold

Campaign Creator

Yasmin Leopold

Warriewood, NSW

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Jun 2016



$0 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Yasmin Leopold

Help make my dreams come true of competing in one of the biggest competitions in the world in California!

Funds Banked To

Yasmin Leopold

Campaign Creator

Yasmin Leopold

Warriewood, NSW

SINCE Jun 2016

