Freedom for Millie

$7,930 raised

TARGET $7,500

Please support this cause



Beautiful 12yr old Millie is the bravest kid. She never complains about her multiple medical issues, including Turners syndrome, PTEN mutations, autism, tracheomalacia, hydrocephaly & various allergies and intolerance's. Despite these issues, she is a happy, generous, and sweet little girl.

Due to these complex issues, her type 1 diabetes is not easily controlled. She needs 2 hourly finger prick testing 24/7 and multiple injections as she is not a candidate for an insulin pump. She is totally reliant on her mum as she can't do any of this for herself. This means it has been over 2 years since Millie & her mother have had a nights sleep that wasn't interrupted every 2 hours.

The testing upsets her & stops her from being a normal young girl. Millie's schooling is interrupted every two hours and she has no freedom to go to friends houses or anywhere without her Mum.

She needs a continuous glucose monitoring machine so she can start having some freedom and work towards some independence. This machine will continuously track Millie's glucose levels and will send the data as well as alerts to Millie's Mum's phone and other carers. Unfortunately this machine is expensive and requires regular maintenance totaling about $7500 per year, but it will bring peace of mind and enable no-fuss treatment whenever necessary, instead of living her life in two hourly windows, constantly aware of her medical needs. It will significantly reduce her pain & anxiety and help her focus on all the good stuff of being a kid.

Thank you so much for helping our little sweetheart enjoy life.

Fundraising For

Millie Thorn

Millie is a sweetheart with multiple medical issues that sig affect her everyday living, learning, ability to spend time with friends, & taking care of herself. A continuous glucose monitoring machine will bring Millie so much more freedom & make a world of difference to her, Sue (Mum) & family.

Funds Banked To

Millicent Thorn


Campaign Creator

Susan Edwell (Thorn)

Fairy Meadow, NSW

Thu, 2 Jun 2016

Susan Smith

$ 30

So sorry my donation is late. I know you have already raised sufficient funds which is amazing! Maybe continued donations can go towards maintenance of the equipment. What an amazing little girl you have!!! All the best xxx

Wed, 1 Jun 2016

Norman and Therese

$ 200
Wed, 1 Jun 2016

Kerrie Marsland

$ 60

Never give up xx

Tue, 31 May 2016

Melinda Hunt

$ 50

Best of luck with everything Millie! Love the Hunt Family

Tue, 31 May 2016

Kevin John

$ 300

We love you Millie! - Uncle Kev and Aunt Nat

Tue, 31 May 2016

Trina Villalon

$ 150

Hope this little bit helps Millie enjoy some freedom and brings some peace of mind to all. Cristian and Trina (Morgan) Villalon xxx

Tue, 31 May 2016

John Villella

$ 50

Miss you guys !!

Tue, 31 May 2016

Robert Mancini

$ 100

Hi Millie, great bumping into you this morning & I hope you just keep smiling

Mon, 30 May 2016

Ann Loxton

$ 20

Hang in there Sue and Millie - sleep is on its way! xx

Sun, 29 May 2016

Kayley Gilles

$ 65

For my beautiful friend Millie and her wonderful Mummy Miss Sue.

SINCE May 2016



$7,930 raised

TARGET $7,500

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Millie Thorn

Millie is a sweetheart with multiple medical issues that sig affect her everyday living, learning, ability to spend time with friends, & taking care of herself. A continuous glucose monitoring machine will bring Millie so much more freedom & make a world of difference to her, Sue (Mum) & family.

Funds Banked To

Millicent Thorn


Campaign Creator

Susan Edwell (Thorn)

Fairy Meadow, NSW

SINCE May 2016

