3BWD - 3 Boys with Duchennes / 3 Boys with Dreams

$94,179 raised

TARGET $500,000

Please support this cause




Moving forward.......... the block is purchased!!!!!!!

As many of you are aware my sister Jenna and her husband Clayton were told their three gorgeous boys Charlie 7, Hayden 3 and Lockie 1 have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

This is an inherited disorder that progresses quite quickly. When a boy has Duchenne's MD he is missing a protein called dystrophin. This acts like a shock absorber to give the muscles in the body strength and stability. So in Duchenne this shock absorber is not present.

There is no known cure. It is a life limiting condition as it causes the muscles throughout the body to become weaker leaving the boys wheelchair bound before their teens and with a life expectancy of less then 30 years.

We would love to take this away from them but the reality is that we cant no matter how much we want to.

So we started fundraising for them and with your help have made an astonishing amount to date and were able to purchase a block of land in Stirling North South Australia.

Therefore there has now been a goal change with our fundraising as we move onto the next challenge, building the new family home that is fully wheelchair accessible with all the room for equipment that they will need in the future to help them care for their gorgeous boys with all that they have without the financial burden of the expense of this new home.

So we are asking that you help us again to get this page to as many people as we can so that even the smallest of donations can help make the future for this young family be as bright as possible with the building of a family home where they will spend treasured times together, remembering time is not on our side. We are looking for a miracle and you could help us get there!

Thank you to you all in advance for taking the time to read this, and please help us make the family home a reality.

Fundraising For

Jenna and Clayton Faggotter

Jenna & Clayton have been told their three boys Charlie, Hayden & Lockie have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We are raising funds to help them build a wheelchair accessible house as the boys muscles deteriorate, leaving them wheelchair bound before their teens & with a life expectancy of < 30 years.

Funds Banked To



Campaign Creator

Tina & Michael Baxter

Stirling North, SA

Fri, 25 Mar 2016

Jennifer Destro

$ 100

Wishing you all a very happy Easter

Fri, 18 Mar 2016

James Farrelly

$ 30
Wed, 16 Mar 2016


$ 30
Sat, 12 Mar 2016

Lynda O'Grady

$ 50
Sun, 6 Mar 2016

Mark Bell

$ 50

Don't give up....

Wed, 2 Mar 2016

Laura Mulholland

$ 10
Tue, 1 Mar 2016


$ 20
Mon, 29 Feb 2016


$ 20

Wishing you all the luck in the world

Mon, 29 Feb 2016

Luke Reynolds

$ 20
Mon, 29 Feb 2016

Desmond Lim

$ 30

SINCE Jul 2015



$94,179 raised

TARGET $500,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Jenna and Clayton Faggotter

Jenna & Clayton have been told their three boys Charlie, Hayden & Lockie have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We are raising funds to help them build a wheelchair accessible house as the boys muscles deteriorate, leaving them wheelchair bound before their teens & with a life expectancy of < 30 years.

Funds Banked To



Campaign Creator

Tina & Michael Baxter

Stirling North, SA

SINCE Jul 2015

