AAAF West Vs The Rest

AAAF West Vs The Rest

$ 2915raised
GOAL $ 100000

The Story

For the last couple of years our Western Australian branch has been doing a Head Shave for Alopecia to coincide with International Alopecia Day.  The WA branch has thrown down the gauntlet to the other states and territories to join in this year to make it a national event. 


The Event

To coincide with International Alopecia Awareness Day - Saturday August 6 2016, West V Rest and to raise much needed funding towards our support, programs, awareness campaigns and ongoing medical and psychological research please join a team and support those living with Alopecia Areata.  Follow us #westvrest


To Register or  DONATE: 

Click on the below buttons to register or donate. You can join 'The West' or 'The Rest'. It's up to you where you're loyalty lies!!!!!



The Rules

These are simple, create an event and join either West or Rest and co-ordinate that event to occur on the 6th August 2016.  You can create any type of event you like.


Suggested Fundraising Activities

Shaving your head, donating a pony tail, hosting a morning tea or dinner, competing in a marathon, dance-athon, sleep in or holding a school out of uniform day are some suggestions.



About Us

The Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation (AAAF) is the peak body for providing support to those with Alopecia Areata and their families, creating awareness about Alopecia Areata and funding research toward a cure or acceptable treatment.


Since 2012, AAAF have provided 125 families with financial support to purchase a wig, at a cost of $92,000.  Help us achieve our goal of supporting 200 families by 2017.


The AAAF runs entirely on the work of volunteers, and 100% of money raised goes towards realising our mission.



AAAF West Vs The Rest

$ 2915raised
GOAL $ 100000