Lifeline Appeal 2015

Lifeline Appeal 2015

$ 100raised
GOAL $ 10000

The first Queensland Lifeline service, the 24-hour Crisis Support and Suicide Prevention Line began in Brisbane in 1964.

Life has changed a great deal since 1964, yet Lifeline continues to help people in crisis.  To reach out to more people, we operate both the 24-hour Crisis Line and an online chat service. Thank you for helping us to be there when someone calls. Sadly, not every call is answered in time. 


People contact Lifeline by phone and online for a range of reasons but the most common is seeking help around suicide.  The issues that cause people to contact us vary, but the highest number of calls are from people with family issues, abuse and trauma, mental health issues or feeling alone and isolated. Imagine then, what could happen when a person finally picks up the phone to talk to someone and their call isn’t answered. Sadly this happens too often.


We receive very little government funding to run our 10 Lifeline Crisis Centres and rely heavily on income from our Lifeline Shops, Bookfest events, donations and gifts left in Wills. Please help today with a gift to Lifeline.


  • A gift of $ 13,111.4 will help pay for the training of approximately 4 Crisis Supporters.
  • A gift of $ 1,311.14 could cover 7 people doing a 6 hour shift in our overnight call centre.
  • A gift of $ 131.11 will provide 5 hours of Lifeline support. Approximately 40% of these calls mention suicide.
  • A gift of $ 13.11 will help Lifeline to answer the calls of 2 people.

Lifeline Appeal 2015

$ 100raised
GOAL $ 10000