Our main aim is to provide the people of Samoa with information, general and more specific help with any problems they may have that lead them to be distressed enough to possibly consider suicide.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Organisation are:
• To provide public education and raise awareness on the topic of suicide and related issues.
• To liaise and advise Government and Non-Government Organisations, Individuals and International Organisations who are concerned with the issues related to suicide.
• To increase membership, raise funds, seek sponsorships and any other type of financial assistance for the attainment of the Organisation’s aims and objectives.
• To provide opportunities for training in general counselling and in suicide counselling in particular, and to provide face-to-face and telephone counselling service to the community.
• To promote beneficial changes in legislation and related issues and the ratification by Government of any relevant international treaties.
• To promote and provide quality support services and advice to the community.
• To undertake any projects and hold other activities for the promotion and achievement of the aims and objectives of the Organisation.
To do this we provide a number of services and information.
We provide a number of services to assist the people of Samoa.
Telephone Counselling
Our counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help by listening to whatever is upsetting you. Our counsellors are trained to listen, discuss options, provide information and empower you to come up with your own solution and claim ownership of it, rather than to give advice. Our average call time is 45 minutes, and some go for much longer, so do not worry that we might not have time for you. You do not have to give your name or any details unless you wish to.
Face-to-Face Counselling
Feel free to drop into our office during normal working hours if you want to discuss anything. We are the last office on the ground floor of the Wesley Arcade in Beach Road, opposite the Government offices. Keep walking down the hallway and you will see our door at the end.
Radio Programme
Our director has a weekly radio talkback programme on SBC Radio One which covers both Samoas and reaches Tokelau. She discusses the many problems that people may have with callers able to speak to her about these.
When a suicide or attempted suicide occurs in Samoa it leaves families and friends upset, questioning and grieving. Postvention is the name for a process were some of our counsellors visit the family and help them to deal with their many complex emotions. Call us if you would like us to help with this. We can respond rapidly.
Counsellor Training
We run regular counselling training at a basic and advanced level. Call us if you would like to enrol for this.
Other Training
FLO continues to be involved in many training workshops to help train and inform people from all walks of life from the media, the clergy, the police, and the general community.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Organisation are:
• To provide public education and raise awareness on the topic of suicide and related issues.
• To liaise and advise Government and Non-Government Organisations, Individuals and International Organisations who are concerned with the issues related to suicide.
• To increase membership, raise funds, seek sponsorships and any other type of financial assistance for the attainment of the Organisation’s aims and objectives.
• To provide opportunities for training in general counselling and in suicide counselling in particular, and to provide face-to-face and telephone counselling service to the community.
• To promote beneficial changes in legislation and related issues and the ratification by Government of any relevant international treaties.
• To promote and provide quality support services and advice to the community.
• To undertake any projects and hold other activities for the promotion and achievement of the aims and objectives of the Organisation.
To do this we provide a number of services and information.
We provide a number of services to assist the people of Samoa.
Telephone Counselling
Our counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help by listening to whatever is upsetting you. Our counsellors are trained to listen, discuss options, provide information and empower you to come up with your own solution and claim ownership of it, rather than to give advice. Our average call time is 45 minutes, and some go for much longer, so do not worry that we might not have time for you. You do not have to give your name or any details unless you wish to.
Face-to-Face Counselling
Feel free to drop into our office during normal working hours if you want to discuss anything. We are the last office on the ground floor of the Wesley Arcade in Beach Road, opposite the Government offices. Keep walking down the hallway and you will see our door at the end.
Radio Programme
Our director has a weekly radio talkback programme on SBC Radio One which covers both Samoas and reaches Tokelau. She discusses the many problems that people may have with callers able to speak to her about these.
When a suicide or attempted suicide occurs in Samoa it leaves families and friends upset, questioning and grieving. Postvention is the name for a process were some of our counsellors visit the family and help them to deal with their many complex emotions. Call us if you would like us to help with this. We can respond rapidly.
Counsellor Training
We run regular counselling training at a basic and advanced level. Call us if you would like to enrol for this.
Other Training
FLO continues to be involved in many training workshops to help train and inform people from all walks of life from the media, the clergy, the police, and the general community.