Houses for House Mamas

Houses for House Mamas

$ 1800raised
GOAL $ 6000

Houses for House Mamas!

Help build homes in Tanzania for women seeking independence
foodwatershelter (fws) – a non-denominational not-for-profit organisation – was founded in 2005 by a group of fearless Australian women with a vision to support and empower local women and children in need.
  • Women in Tanzania remain particularly vulnerable to domestic violence, sexual abuse, and poverty.
  • Children in Tanzania are highly vulnerable to being orphaned due to the prevalence of HIV/ AIDS and other preventable diseases. In fractured families children are then likely to suffer denial of their rights to education and health and, in some cases, physical or sexual abuse.
  • You can help a special group of Tanzanian women make the final move to independence and self-determination, by helping them build homes in their communities.
The story so far
2007 - foodwatershelter began building Kesho Leo children's village. Located in the Arusha region of Tanzania, the village provides eco-friendly homes for orphaned children and women and children in need and a wide range of health, education and welfare services in the wider community.
2009 - A group of local women and their children were recruited to be the first residents of the village, based on the level of vulnerability they faced in the community, and the capacity of the women to assume roles as ‘house mamas’, welcoming orphaned children into their families following comprehensive caregiver training. The goal was to provide intensive support and housing for these families until they were no longer in need of intensive support and able to move back into their communities.
Since 2009 - Kesho Leo has supported and empowered these families by providing secure accommodation, child and adult education, opportunities for employment, microfinance programs and social support. House mamas have also contributed to Kesho Leo’s core operations by supporting education, farming and income-generating programs. 
Tomorrow! These seven special women are ready to move into independence in the local community.  We seek your financial support to help build their homes, and give them the final hand up that they need. 
Why is it important the house mamas move out of Kesho Leo?
1. The house mamas are ready to realize their dream of independent living
Kesho Leo's house mamas have worked hard and been supported by a team of professional Tanzanian staff to achieve personal goals and financial milestones. They have become strong, self-reliant, independent mamas and have clearly expressed a readiness to now move out into their own accommodation in the wider community.
It is a goal that each house mama has been working towards since arriving at Kesho Leo.
Your donation will help her reach this pivotal milestone and take on new adventures, dreams and challenges living in independence in her local community.
2. The house mamas have moved beyond crisis point and no longer need intensive support
fwis all about giving a hand up, not a hand out.
First and foremost, Kesho Leo provides supported accommodation for those in crisis point or needing extra support, and aims to gradually help people move from crisis point to a stable status where they don't need as much support.
Since their arrival in 2009, Kesho Leo's house mamas have worked hard with the support of a team of professional Tanzanian staff to achieve personal developmental goals and financial milestones.
These incredible women are no longer in need of intensive support.
3. Kesho Leo is evolving
After four long years of working with Tanzanian Government policy staff, in 2012 Kesho Leo became a Tanzanian-government-approved ‘children’s village’ with a licence to house orphaned children. It is now becoming home to a growing number of orphaned children and is expected to house 40 orphaned children by 2016.
However, our accommodation is limited to 8 family units. When the mamas and their children move out into the community, Kesho's doors can and will open to more orphaned children. These children will, in accordance with Tanzanian government requirements, live in family units under the care of professionally-qualified caregivers and benefit through to adulthood from the health, social welfare and education services on offer at Kesho Leo.
Then we can provide food, water, shelter – and more – to those most in need.
So, helping the house mamas move out into the community is a win-win for everyone involved!
Can you help build a home in the community for a house mama?
What your (tax deductible) contribution will buy
$5 – about 110 bricks
$10 – about 1 bag of cement
$50 – all the nails for a whole house
$100 – about 2 bags of gravel
$300 – about 4 doors or 4 windows
$500 – a corrugated iron roof sheet
$1000 – labour for the building and roof
$6000 – the best part of a whole house - because the mamas are contributing their own savings to the cost of construction.

Wow! Your dollar can go a long way! And every single cent donated helps to build secure futures for these women and their children.

Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to donate, please share this information through your favoured social media site, inform others of our campaign through emails and word of mouth. By sharing this information as widely as possible, you too can help these women have autonomy and security.



Houses for House Mamas

$ 1800raised
GOAL $ 6000