Tour de Timor

Tour de Timor

$ 37808raised
GOAL $ 10000

The Tour de Timor is fast becoming one of Asia’s best known adventure challenges. The resounding success of the last three years is only the beginning: the race consists of 300+ competitors from around the world competing in Timor Leste’s biggest event. 

Hundreds of thousands of Timorese, through many districts along the course, greet riders every day with smiles, chants and warm hospitality, overjoyed to welcome the competitors to their village and in a celebration of peace. 
For the first time in 2012, the Tour de Timor will cross the Indonesian border and include the historic enclave district of Oecusse, where Portuguese missionaries first established themselves 500 years before. This historic event will unify not only the country of Timor-Leste, but also the island of Timor. 2012 is the most historic year in Timor-Leste’s short history, being the 10th Anniversary of Independence and host to the third national Presidential and Government elections. 
This year, Tour de Timor Teams have an opportunity to raise funds to help Motivation Australia and local organisation ASSERT provide wheelchairs for children and adults living in Timor Leste. 
For registration, more details and prize information visit our fundraising page at:

Tour de Timor

$ 37808raised
GOAL $ 10000