Amber's Batmitzvah

Amber's Batmitzvah

$ 7989raised
GOAL $ 10000

Having being blessed with a great family and friends, I understand there are so many things we cannot take for granted.  My reasons for choosing both Jewish Care and The Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) at the Royal Children’s Hospital are because both these causes make a HUGE difference to peoples’ lives.  Jewish Care does incredible work in the community from helping support families who are struggling, to caring for the old with many amazing services.  The CCCH is devoted to giving kids a better chance in life from the day they are born.  Whether it is diagnosing kids with a hearing loss or learning difficulties, the CCCH is dedicated to making childrens lives easier as they grow up.


It’s hard to choose just two causes as there are so many things in the world that need help and support, but for my Bat Mitzvah, these are “My Causes”.


My family and I are so excited to be sharing our celebration with you.


 Love Amber



Amber's Batmitzvah

$ 7989raised
GOAL $ 10000