Heart Swim

Heart Swim

$ 38695raised
GOAL $ 0


What is HeartSwim?

HeartSwim 2009 makes a splash on Saturday, November 7th 2009 when Masters Swimming WA and VenuesWest - Challenge Stadium, Western Australia’s largest and premium aquatic facility combine their skills and resources to coordinate a fabulous community swimming event raising funds for the Heart Foundation.

 Make sure that you regsiter for the event before you create your Fundraising Page here

HeartSwim is both a fundraising and fitness challenge. The event is being conducted as a 90 minute relay where each teamof 5 swimmers from community, family and WA businesses will swim continuously in tag-team format in two heated pools at Challenge Stadium.  HeartSwim is a fun and unique event that, with your help, will raise money for the Heart Foundation and their lifesaving work.  To find out more about HeartSwim including how it works and who can enter click here.


Heart Swim

$ 38695raised
GOAL $ 0