Indigenous Midwives for Tomorrow
Rhodanthe Lipsett’s dream is for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to have improved pregnancy and birth outcomes by having the benefit of care from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander midwives.
By establishing Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Fund ("The Fund") we aim to make a contribution to both ‘a better start in life’ and ‘Closing the Gap’ for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and babies.
The role of The Fund is to provide financial assistance in the form of small grants and scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander midwifery students, to assist them in their study to become midwives.
The Fund is inspired by the stories from Indigenous women in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, where Indigenous midwives provide culturally appropriate care in the same language as that of the women accessing care.



Indigenous Midwives for Tomorrow
Rhodanthe Lipsett’s dream is for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to have improved pregnancy and birth outcomes by having the benefit of care from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander midwives.
By establishing Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Fund ("The Fund") we aim to make a contribution to both ‘a better start in life’ and ‘Closing the Gap’ for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and babies.
The role of The Fund is to provide financial assistance in the form of small grants and scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander midwifery students, to assist them in their study to become midwives.
The Fund is inspired by the stories from Indigenous women in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, where Indigenous midwives provide culturally appropriate care in the same language as that of the women accessing care.