Our staff work closely with anyone who has experienced sexual assault and women and children who have been impacted by family violence in supporting their recovery to alleviate the negative impacts of violence on their lives and create opportunities for them to rebuild their sense of control. We also work with anyone else affected, including family, friends and support people.

Our Vision

Our vision is for a community free from sexual assault and family violence, and a society underpinned by the principles of gender equality, social justice and human rights.

Statement of Purpose

To provide a quality service that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of victim/survivors of sexual assault and family violence, and to raise awareness that such violence should not exist.

What Is Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual behaviour which makes you feel scared or uncomfortable. It is sexual behaviour that you have not agreed to, where another person uses emotional or physical force against you.

What is family violence?
Family violence encompasses any behaviour that causes family members to live in fear or feel demeaned. Family violence may include emotional, financial, physical, social, sexual abuse or the witnessing of violence. Family violence is not acceptable in any community or culture!

Specialist services provided:

We provide free and confidential specialist counselling to women, men, young
people and children who have experienced sexual assault and family violence either
recently or in the past and their non-offending parents, partners, family and friends.

Each program is specifically tailored to the age group and focuses on their developmental,
familial, social and environmental needs. All programs provide specialised information,
advocacy, resources and support to individuals, professionals and the community.

Case Management
We offer free and confidential case management support to women and children experiencing family violence across the Barwon region. Specialist Family Violence Case Managers may offer support to a woman, or woman and her children for up to 12 weeks.

This support may include assessing the level of risk and developing a safety plan, by undertaking a holistic assessment of needs and goals.

Our case managers are able to offer information and support for women to make informed choices; we work collaboratively with other family violence services and link people in to a range of required services.

For women who are leaving a family violence situation we can assist with access to crisis accommodation and referral/s to refuge. We can also offer court support in relation to family violence matters.

Crisis Response
24 hour crisis response for adult and adolescent survivors of recent sexual assault, and
non-offending parents/caregivers of children who have recently disclosed sexual assault.
Counsellor / Advocates provide support, information about medical and legal options and
advocacy with police and doctors, as required.

Primary Prevention 
Violence against women and family violence is preventable. We work in a range of settings to stop violence from occurring in the first place by challenging the norms, structures and practices that promote gender inequality and underpin violence against women.

Training & Education
We deliver a range of training sessions that support the primary prevention of violence against women and children and assist people to recognise and respond to sexual assault and family violence. The training sessions are developed and delivered by our specialist professionals.

Secondary Consultation
Specialised information, training and consultation available to other professionals and
community agencies working with people affected by sexual assault and family violence.

03 5222 4318
Email: reception@safvcentre.org.au





Our staff work closely with anyone who has experienced sexual assault and women and children who have been impacted by family violence in supporting their recovery to alleviate the negative impacts of violence on their lives and create opportunities for them to rebuild their sense of control. We also work with anyone else affected, including family, friends and support people.

Our Vision

Our vision is for a community free from sexual assault and family violence, and a society underpinned by the principles of gender equality, social justice and human rights.

Statement of Purpose

To provide a quality service that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of victim/survivors of sexual assault and family violence, and to raise awareness that such violence should not exist.

What Is Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual behaviour which makes you feel scared or uncomfortable. It is sexual behaviour that you have not agreed to, where another person uses emotional or physical force against you.

What is family violence?
Family violence encompasses any behaviour that causes family members to live in fear or feel demeaned. Family violence may include emotional, financial, physical, social, sexual abuse or the witnessing of violence. Family violence is not acceptable in any community or culture!

Specialist services provided:

We provide free and confidential specialist counselling to women, men, young
people and children who have experienced sexual assault and family violence either
recently or in the past and their non-offending parents, partners, family and friends.

Each program is specifically tailored to the age group and focuses on their developmental,
familial, social and environmental needs. All programs provide specialised information,
advocacy, resources and support to individuals, professionals and the community.

Case Management
We offer free and confidential case management support to women and children experiencing family violence across the Barwon region. Specialist Family Violence Case Managers may offer support to a woman, or woman and her children for up to 12 weeks.

This support may include assessing the level of risk and developing a safety plan, by undertaking a holistic assessment of needs and goals.

Our case managers are able to offer information and support for women to make informed choices; we work collaboratively with other family violence services and link people in to a range of required services.

For women who are leaving a family violence situation we can assist with access to crisis accommodation and referral/s to refuge. We can also offer court support in relation to family violence matters.

Crisis Response
24 hour crisis response for adult and adolescent survivors of recent sexual assault, and
non-offending parents/caregivers of children who have recently disclosed sexual assault.
Counsellor / Advocates provide support, information about medical and legal options and
advocacy with police and doctors, as required.

Primary Prevention 
Violence against women and family violence is preventable. We work in a range of settings to stop violence from occurring in the first place by challenging the norms, structures and practices that promote gender inequality and underpin violence against women.

Training & Education
We deliver a range of training sessions that support the primary prevention of violence against women and children and assist people to recognise and respond to sexual assault and family violence. The training sessions are developed and delivered by our specialist professionals.

Secondary Consultation
Specialised information, training and consultation available to other professionals and
community agencies working with people affected by sexual assault and family violence.

03 5222 4318
Email: reception@safvcentre.org.au