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November 13 2019

How much of a donation is tax deductible?

If you have decided to make a donation to someone who is in need of help with their medical expenses, you’re certainly doing an amazing thing. There are a lot of people all over the world that are in desperate need of medical assistance yet they cannot afford it. They need help from people like you, so it is great that you are considering assisting someone with their personal crowdfunding campaign. 


A lot of people have questions when donating to someone’s crowdfunding campaign for the first time. One thing you may be wondering is whether your donation is going to be tax deductible, and if so, how much of the donation can be deducted. This will depend on the way the person's campaign is set up. You will not be able to deduct your donation from your taxes if the crowdfunding campaign is a personal one. 


However, some people choose to create a campaign through the charity Helping A Friend in Need. In this case, donations are made to the charity and then disbursed to the beneficiary by HAFIN. Because of this, donations are 100% tax deductible. 


If you have any queries or would like to know about tax-deductible crowdfunding, all you need to do is send an email to and we will be more than happy to assist you in any manner that we can. We look forward to hearing from you!


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