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October 05 2015

How to set up and launch a successful fundraising campaign

We are often asked by visitors to our site, what are key factors to creating a successful online fundraising campaign?

With nearly 10,000 successful campaigns - raising more than $15 million - notched under our belt, here are some fundraising tips and tricks to help you make the most of your mycause fundraising page!

Step 1: Define

Define your cause. Whether you are fundraising to help a sick friend; a family member in need; a community project; an overseas adventure; or a charity that you love… we’ll support your cause, your way!* Check out some of our current campaigns for fundraising ideas!

Step 2: Create

Create your campaign with these key fundraising elements.

Clarity and Transparency

Clarity and transparency is essential to the success of any fundraising campaign. Without it, people will question your motives and they won’t 100% engage in your cause.

So how do you achieve complete transparency and clarity? Here are some simple tips to ensure everyone understands your campaign and are clear on what you are needing/asking for!

Who? Who are you fundraising for and what is your relationship with the person? Make sure you include names, locations, ages and any other relevant details.

What? What do you do you need support for? A specific item like a wheelchair? Or for general items like household needs while your friend or family member can’t work? Make sure you clearly outline what you will be using the money for and if you don’t reach your target how the funds will be used.

When? Do you need funds by a specific date? Make sure you are clear about when your deadline is (if there is one).

Why? Why should people help? Try and be captivating and emotional when communicating this!

Compelling Story

Think of your campaign like an episode of A Current Affair. Make it compelling. Capture the hearts and minds of your audience. Use humour or emotion while being clear and concise with your emotion. Photos are also a must!

Step 3: Share

In order for a fundraising campaign to succeed, you need to understand your "crowd"!

Your crowd or network could be compared to an onion with many layers.

First you need to define your layers of the onion and then you need to (metaphorically) start peeling each layer off, one by one.

Layer One: The inner circle - Friends and Family. The first layer of the onion you need to reach out to is your family and closest friends. They may not be able to give much but if they aren't willing to give anything at all to your campaign, then it is going to be hard to ask anyone else to.

Layer Two: Work colleagues (past and present), industry and association contacts, mother's group members, school contacts, teammates, club peers, church group etc. This is the next layer of possible donors you reach out to. By providing as much information as you can about why you are fundraising and what it will mean to you to raise this money, this 'layer' of the onion can prove very beneficial to your campaign.

Layer Three: Friends of friends. Your Facebook friends may share your campaign to their friends and their networks if they are inspired by your story. Make your campaign look great add images and even video if you can.

Layer Four: The general public. The only way to have people you don't know donate to your campaign is to generate press, drive social media and ensure your first three layers are sharing your page/story far and wide. It is also important to note that the general public will not be inspired to donate if the people you know haven't already. mycause press team regularly promotes campaigns to our media contacts.